claire's baby

Saturday 25 April 2009


I watched a rather funky but interesting documentary yesterday on BBC3. 
It's name was Drinking with the girls. Did anybody other then myself enjoy it? The show was based around recent news reports that woman in the UK are the worse binge drinkers compared to any other country. It's said that as binge drinking numbers are falling in men, there rising in women. 

I myself used to love a good binge drinking session on a Friday night out with the girls, As I have two children now they don't come by very often. I now hardly ever drink, I can't remember the last time a glass of wine touched my lips. HONEST!

Well Cherry the 27 year old presenter, had to go through 7 stages of drinking ( that meant 7 nights out :) ) There was the under agers, the pullers ( woman in there 20's ) the students, the mums, the 30's, mid lifers, and lastly the grannies. Well lets just say that Cherry was pissed a lot of the time. The documentary was funny but yes it also highlighted many of the problems alcohol brings. The under age girls were a mess and London's ambulance drivers were extremely busy.

On the whole a fab documentary. Have a hour then check it out one BBC iplayer


  1. Hello Clairelouise. Cant drink a drop myself - I do outrageous things! We're playing a game of 'It' if your interested. You just answer some questions and tag 8 others.....RMx

  2. I missed it! But I was watching BBC3 last night. I think it was about villagers getting treatment for wounds or something...I was half awake at the time. :)
