claire's baby

Monday 20 July 2009


Wow who saw the show Baby Beauty Queen on BBC 3 tonight?
It really was a shocker! Young girls as young as 6 competing to become Mini miss UK.
Did I think it was wrong for Mother's like myself to enter their children into this type of contest ? Yes and No. There was one mum that entered her 7 year old into the pageant, But this mum was not pushy or doing it to exploit her daughter. This was a very shy child that struggled at school and had not had an easy time. She had little confidence and her mum just wanted to help with that. She said there was a chance maybe she would not get onto the stage but she was fine with that, telling her little girl if she didn't want to do it then that was OK ( She came across as a real loving mum )

The show was based around three children. The 7 year old I just spoke off and two other 9 year old girls. One was from Scotland and watching her prepear for the pageant upset me. Her mum who was a born again Cristen was really and I mean really pushy! The show started with the mum spray tanning her child and the little girl crying. Why because she didn't like it and kept saying she was scared. Did the mum stop NO. She was also pushing her to do her dance routine which was upsetting to watch I was almost screaming at the tv "she's a child " She ended up yet again in tears running for her bedroom. Through the whole thing you never heard mum say it's the taking part that counts. It was all about winning. I the end the little girl said she had to win as if not it meant she wasn't pretty. Did she win ? NO and god it was heartbreaking to see what it had done to her. She was in tears. All mum could say was she didn't understand and there was always the American pageants to conger:( The 3rd girl also had a pushy mum but not half as bad. But still it was hard to watch. Anyhow none of the three girls won. The 7 year old was fantastic and really didn't care if she won. Her mummy said it wasn't about winning but making her happy and a little less shy. But the other two were upset ( The child from Scotland took it VERY BAD )

It really was a must watch. Would love to hear what you all think. Catch up on BBc 3 or the bbc iplayer online.

Friday 17 July 2009


We just can't seem to get away from it! It's everywhere! There is nowhere left to hide:(
Swine flu is out to get us.

So a few days ago I found out that there are a few cases of swine flu at my children's school. A parent told my partner that their child had been taken ill with the flu. I phoned the children's school ( Reason being was I was due to attend a meeting there and I'm pregnant and at a higher risk) To my horror the school confirmed that yes there had been a couple of cases to date. I felt angry that it was another parent that had told me. If I had not of known then I would of attended the meeting. Thing is I was also felling ill this day. Reason being was I had eaten something that upset me. After speaking to my doctor I was advised NOT to attend the meeting. Since I found out two days ago I have not sent the children to school! For one I am scared stiff off my children catching the flu. ( Who would care for them? ) Then there is the fact I'm still sick and have sent them to a family members house for a few days. Am I being over the Top??????
I really don't know? All I do know is my family are my family! My children and unborn child should in my eyes remain at home well and safe. I know we can't hide forever but for now I'm gonna at least try!

Tuesday 14 July 2009


Yay so yesterday I went for my 20 week scan and IT'S A BOY.
Wow I'm over the moon, not only is there going to be a new little person joining this world but my little boy. I'm so happy :)
The children Giovanni 8 & Alice 6 are also really pleased with the news. OK Alice did want a baby sister but she's fine with it now. So the scan went really well, Baby looks great and seems really healthy. It was so cool to see HIM wiggling around and to fell his movements as I saw them was fantastic.
Wow so it's been a whole 20 weeks today I'm pregnant:) 20 down 20 to go lol. I just can't wait to meet my little BOY:)